Think, Think, and Think Some More

Commentary on society and personal growth.

James Sawyer
2 min readApr 11, 2020
Think Outside of The Box
created Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

I believe modern humanity is suffocating. We, as a society, sell ourselves short. Many people are simply satisfied with just “living.” Going about day to day tasks and living a monotonous lifestyle. They become consumers, addicted to the thrill of more. It is sickening to see what contemporary freedom has gifted us. We are a depraved and lost culture, and I am not afraid to admit it. When I was younger, the plan set for my life baffled me. I did not want to become a man who was a slave to the system. I did not want to work for someone else for hours on end at a job that did not satisfy my true desires as a person. I, paradoxically, yearned for more.

We are a depraved and lost culture, and I am not afraid to admit it.

The fear of having the “normal” mentality is what has forced me to grow, and I am thankful. I believe the skill of reflection and thoughtfulness will lead to exponential growth in a person’s life. Think outside of the box. A huge key for me personally was to ask myself the question, “What would make me happy if money was not an issue?” Money has become a significant player in many decisions in my life ( somewhat rightfully), but at the same time, what is truly important to me if it was not an issue? And I made a list, which is as follows: Family, faith, friends, freedom, love, helping others, and growth. The realization changed my mentality on life. Yes, I am financially literate and considerate, but I will no longer allow a materialistic view to sway my decision-making. Instead, I will choose passion and view my decisions from a perspective based on my list.

Think outside of the box.

Think, think, and think some more to reach ultimate success in your own life. Do not fall for the elaborate schemes of big corporations, or the mass media in its attempts to entrap you. Think simply and embrace your gut. Think creatively and forge your path. Think without limits, and you will always be free. It is always easier to do what everyone else is doing. Be yourself unapologetically.

