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Saturday Morning Gratitude

I do not know if I have ever experienced more joy in my life as I have this morning.

James Sawyer
2 min readMar 5, 2022


Three months ago, I was in an entirely different mental state. I had just graduated from University and was uncertain of where I was to work. I was fearful of the path that my life was taking me. Without a job, I would not be able to become financially independent and would have to rely upon my parents. I was afraid that I would not be able to leave my hometown and create the life that I desired. Many days during this time period were filled with anxiety as I searched for employment and jumped mentally from idea to idea. It felt as if my greatest fear of inadequacy was coming to fruition…

However, with consistency and faith, I was able to do what was necessary to begin building the life that I desire. Through connections, I was able to find a job at a great company with amazing people. This also granted me the opportunity to relocate to a city that I had wanted to move to for years now. In this new place, I have been able to start building more solid habits that will put me into a position to achieve the dreams that I have set for myself.

As time moves forward, I realize more and more that the actions I took five, ten, and even fifteen years ago have made me into the person I am today. I write this to cement this concept into my mind, that I must be consistently good to create a better life for myself. I urge you to take on the challenge of doing what is right for yourself, even when it is difficult, and build the life you want to live.

