Morning Ecstasy

A Reflection on the Joys of Rising Early

James Sawyer
2 min readSep 26, 2021
Image from my walk morning walk. 6:53 AM.

One of my greatest joys in life is waking up early. It allows me to truly reflect on who I am as a person and who I want to be as I continue to grow. The morning darkness gives me relief from trying to be someone that others want me to be. The early morning hours give me time to develop my own mental clarity and build confidence that I am moving in the right direction. I relish in the little things when I arise early in the morning, such as a warm cup of coffee, the soft light that my lamp emits, the soft jazz music playing on my headphones, or the crisp cool air from the changing seasons. Time moves differently in the early morning as well. I am not distracted or pulled away from the present as I am in the afternoons or evenings. There are no phone notifications or frivolous obligations at 4:30 in the morning, and this gives me the freedom to study freely and write without a care in the world. My early wake-up time also allows me to do things that I normally would not do. Today, for example, once I finish this article I am going to go for a long and brisk walk with my dog and appreciate the sunrise.

Waking before dawn inspires me to be a cut above and create a life that I truly want to live. I am still on the journey that I set out for myself at 19 years old. I will continue to evolve and change as I have for the past couple of years, and I truly believe that rising early has given me the opportunity to grow at a faster rate than I would have otherwise. I tend to reflect and grow in these hours like no other hours of the day. I am blessed to have discovered the secret of morning ecstasy.

— Infinitely Learning

